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Day 12: So Long Breweries and Crunchy Granola

After this weekend in Brattleboro, it’s time to say goodbye to Vermont.

Our collected observations are below, along with a gallery at the end that features images from our Brattleboro weekend. Many of those came from our five-mile hike that crossed the New Hampshire border and topped Wantastiquet Mountain.

The People

Welcoming. Friendly and homey and … a little odd. Rooted. Self-consciously quirky. So much caucasian. Bernie! Chatty. Artisanal. State-proud and homespun. Open-minded. Agricultural. Not overly intellectual. Earnest. Generous. White-bread. Bike-loving. Easygoing. Verbally frying, bruh. Outdoorsy. Dairy-lovin’. Pretenseless, except when they are too millennial to be. Some traveled to Georgia once (hey, Lake Wobegon, we found your below-average citizens). Tolerant and helpful. Crunchy, crunchy granola.

The Nature

Picturesque. Meditative, inviting and threatening. Shady and serene. Bug-bitey and hostile. Slinky and minky (seriously, we literally saw a mink in the wild). Hawkish and chip-munky. Swainson’s thrushy & song-sparrowy & tad-poley. Poisonous but non-allergy-triggering. Renewing. Lush and unexpected. Relaxing. Mushroomy. Leaf-littered. Fragrant. Tranquil.

The Terrain

Rolling and green, so impossibly green. Gamboling. Fertile and mossy. Ferny and flowery. Sylvan, with surprising waterfalls. Vista-full. Ski-friendly. Steep and steepled.

The Weather

Steamy and sunny. Clear then hazy.

The Fashion

L.L.Bean meets Haight-Ashbury. Unpretentious and functional, but still expressive. Sandaled, booted and batik-printed.

The Fare

Fresh, local, and … not spicy. Precious and too-too. Melted, sliced and wax-covered cheesy. Harmonic vegan and beefy burgery. Franchise-less. Caucasian. Beer-centric. Kombucha-brewin’. Java-sippin’. Artisanal. Mapley. Eco-wrapped. Crunchy granola sprinkley. Hemp-seeded and CBD-laced. Sprouted and gluten-free.

The Road

Winding, smooth, rutted, potholed, and blessedly billboardless.

The Images

Here are some cute pictures we took from the visit to Brattleboro:

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