The Eagles of Fort Flagler, Washington

Located on northeastern edge of the Olympic Peninsula in along Puget Sound, Fort Flagler beach is rimmed with escarpments topped by lofty pine forests. Look to the highest tree in any stretch and you’ll find, as we did to our delight, a bald eagle peering out over the shore and water with an eye toward lunch and warding off interlopers.

We strolled three miles of beach along this northern curl of Fort Flagler State Park, within sight of Canada’s Vancouver Island, looking downward to gather shells and upward to watch the many eagles in flight.

Sometimes when we looked up we saw two eagles sharing a treetop, presumably a mated pair teaming up to defend their claim on the best fishing territory

Once, when we looked down, we saw an eagle hitting the water to snag a squirming fish, then fly directly overhead to its high perch, talons tight on its wriggling prize. We even caught it on video.

And every time when we thought there might not be an eagle near we looked again to the tallest tree in front of us and spotted another regal sentinel claiming the next section of shorefront. 

We ended the day with pockets full of shells and sore necks from all the gaping and craning to watch the majestic, white-hooded flyers. If you’re in the area and you want to see these magnificent birds in person, you’ll have no trouble finding an abundance of them here!

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